Free your dispatchers to be managers.
Enable your drivers to dispatch themselves with our self dispatch product.

Our systems can enable your drivers to dispatch themselves.
Your driver managers are freed to manage and not be clerks.

Speed up collections by being ready to bill as soon as your loads are delivered.
In addition to traditional dispatch - where the driver is sent his load and fuel routings via mobile comm or a cell phone app, our systems allow drivers to build their loads dynamically as they run a route.  When the driver arrives at a pickup he sends that he has arrived / departed pickup. We use his GPS to know what customer to open a load for.  As he reaches each stop, we add that stop to the load again using GPS to identify the stop. Unidentified stops are routed to a dispatcher to identify. When the driver delivers the load, our system completes the load and if he has a cell phone or scanner in his cab, such that he can photograph or scan his bill of lading, our systems can immediately generate a billing to the customer and payment to the driver electronically.